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Showing posts from January, 2006

I am you, You are me

Chinese new year ! C took us to the most famous sea food restaurant here. ABC seafood center ! We spent a good 20 minutes to find a place to park only to find over 20 people waiting in line. But luckily C had arranged for everything and we just had to go to the table where he and other team members were sitting. But I wondered.. why so many ? what do they sell here? why so many people ? The restaurant was a huge circular hall and it looked same from all sides. Seemed as though there were circular tables all over and the same group of people sitting around every table. I looked again .. and again. They looked so alike. It is difficult to tell one Chinese from another and the big crowd in front gave the impression of 100s of duplicates sitting next to each other and chattering. There .. a vision of unity, of co-operation, of singleness of purpose. Some days all he did in the college was to speak to SN. When it came to philosophy, about the purpose of life, the meaning of life and things

The Master of the Game

For three days he has been working on it. Finally he got it. ‘Is that it? That’s all ?Aww’ he thought. He could now do it in a mere two hours. Instead of rejoicing that his labour had finally borne fruit, he was unhappy. A person with experience could do it in 2 hours. But could anyone have experience in every minute thing in the world? Experience means recognizing patterns. Attribute the observed pattern to something that you have already done. If you have competence in that field, you must have done something similar. You must have read about something on similar lines. Some time back RV had told me what he had learnt in some programme that he had attended - about different levels of competence. There are 4 levels of competence 1. Unconscious Incompetence 2. Conscious Incompetence 3. Conscious Competence 4. Unconscious Competence You are in the first stage if you don’t know that you don’t know. The second stage is when you know that you don’t know. The third is when you know that you

A sanguine tale

The good soul decides to do something good. He feels happy about the great deed he is about to perform. In his mind he sees obscure faces of people whom he might save. When he had done it in the past, he had felt weak and had gone home and slept .. slept and slept. As it happens with him often, he sees himself in the future. He sees him self after the deed. He sees himself being weak, weak to even type. He sees himself being drowsy in the 3 PM meeting which he is required to attend. His colleagues ask him why he is so pale. Is he not well or something ? He wants to tell them. But he says ‘Nothing, nothing .. I’m OK. Just didn’t get enough sleep. It was too cold yesterday.’ The clock strikes 2 and he gets out of the reverie. It is time. He gets up with a smile and heads towards the gym. That’s where the blood donation drive is to happen. He returns faster than he goes. He is seen smiling wildly as though something’s hit him. Internally he is laughing , laughing loudly at the ridiculousn

All charged up for nothing..

Ever started your day in the office with a rude shock? I mean, shock in the literal sense. I’ve discovered that being a good chap who switches off his monitor before calling it a day (to save power!) has its disadvantages , especially if he is a ..err..'static electric' person – someone who gets a shock even before he touches the metal switch to turn on the power. If I were a man of action I’d be benumbed for a second, taken aback by the momentary loss of sense before coming to terms with things around. But no..I’m what you could call as a man of dreams (If you ever catch me smiling/laughing/angered/dull or exhibiting some out-of-the-place emotion while idly walking on some road alone, be not alarmed, you’ve not lost me). So, this shock is usually a jolt from the dreamy-unreal-fantasy world to the present. It’s as though some one’s stopped me on my tracks.. "Boy. It’s time, time to work. Ready .. Steady .. Go." 9.30 AM Yes. Time to work. Do one thing at a time, I tell